English Lake District

Radio Outreach wants you to know that God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you so that you can be forgiven for everything you have ever done wrong. We broadcast this message of God’s love every week over the Internet. There are different ways for you to listen to our programmes please choose from the options on the left. Hearing ‘This week’s programme’ will depend on when it is scheduled by the various internet stations we use. ‘Last week’s programme’ can be heard at any time. Details of the music tracks used in both programmes are given in the Playlist. A selection of talks from previous programmes are also available on YouTube, please use the link on the left.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the Christian faith. We have a selection of free booklets that we can send to you. Previous programmes are also available on CD. Or, if you would prefer to chat with a Christian to discover how Jesus Christ can help you, then the free ‘Chat Now link’ takes you to a private and confidential help line. There is a also a monthly ‘Words of Comfort’ poem.

At this time of year we see Christmas lights featuring in town centres and homes bringing wonderful colour to dark winter’s evenings.  But let’s never forget that Jesus said “I am the light of the world”.  Wishing all our readers and listeners a very happy Christmas and may you know God’s blessing in 2024.